Hora flotante en margen izquierdo


UPDATE: Some users were wondering whether a link could be inserted into the timer area... Here is a quick fix, but it's been only tested on IE 5.5. I need your feedback - please tell me whether it works in other versions of IE or other browsers.
I noticed the clock does not show up in Netscape 6, if someone knows how to fix it please send me the solution.

The old version can be found here.

It's a very customizable timer (or a clock whatever you choose),
which displays how long the visitor was on your page, or displays local current time. It always sits in one of the corners of your browser (you choose which one) when you scroll the page alike those commercial messages on geocities, xoom, or yahoo ...
It is compatible with Netscape 4 and higher and Microsoft Internet Explorer 4 and higher. For the best results use MSIE4.0+ - It just looks better :)


TimerOrClock - chooses what to display "clock" or "timer";
layerH - the height of the viewable area of the timer (clock) (in pixels);
layerW - the width of the viewable area of the timer (clock) (in pixels);
location - location of the timer (clock):

bgcolor - background color;
text - foreground color;
font_size - font size;
font_face - font face;
message - a message to be displayed along with the timer (clock);
link - an html code e.g. <a href="http://nexus.carleton.ca/~vrabotni/projects">Vitaliy's Projects</a>


For updates or other scripts please visit http://nexus.carleton.ca/~vrabotni/projects